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Showing posts from April, 2015

Google's fragment example error

These days, I have been reading through Android Developer training document( in detail and playing with samples. I am in the Fragment section now and I found out an example app has an error. Here is the link: I give you a brief about the example. Entry point of the app is MainActivity and it uses different layouts depending on the screen sizes layout, one for normal and the other for large size devices. You can see only news article list when you run the app on handset devices but it will display two pane layout on large size device such as 7" tablets. /res/layout/news_article.xml(Normal size) /res/layout-large/new_article.xml(Large size) It will load news content when you click a item from the headlines. The MainActivity switches Fragment to display it in a handset but it displays news content in the second pane in a table device. Error c...