JSF in Action I got this book 3 years years ago and I am reviewing these days. In this book, old version of JSF is used. (I can't find the exact version is using in the book) During the time, something has changed. So, when I tried to execute sample Project Track project in the book, it caused errors. I was struggling the errors and searched API to soleve them. Finally I could see inbox page after I fixed some code. Origianally, the source code in login() method in AuthenticationBean was like following: Visit visit = new Visit(); visit.setUser(newUser); visit.setAuthenticationBean(this); setVisit(visit); //Constants.VISIT_KEY_SCOPE => sessionScope. //Constants.VISIT_KEY => visit getApplication().createValueBinding("#{" + Constants.VISIT_KEY_SCOPE + Constants.VISIT_KEY + "}").setValue(facesContext, visit); The createValueBinding() method comes from Java EE API and it is deprecated now. Refferring Java EE API,...